- 33 Community Day Secondary Schools are being managed by the department.
b) Mission Secondary Schools
- The department manages 5 Mission Secondary Schools as listed below.
i) Henry Henderson Institute (HHI) Mission Secondary School
- The school has registered a 94% pass rate on JCE and 73% pass rate for MSCE in 2014/15 academic year.
ii) Domasi Mission Secondary School
- The school’s JCE pass rate was 100%, the same rate was recorded for MSCE in 2014/15 academic year.
iii) Neno Girls Mission Secondary School
- JCE: 100% Pass rate in 2014/15 and 2015/2015 academic year.
iv) St. Andrews Mission Secondary school
- 96% Pass rate on JCE was registered in 2014/15 academic year and 100% JCE pass rate in the 2015/16 academic year.
v) Drapper Mission Secondary School
- A new Blantyre Synod Mission Secondary School called Draper has been built at Chuluchosema CCAP in Zomba. The school opened in September 2015 as a Grant-Aided Mission School.