- Inclusive Education in Malawi Project is a Royal Norwegian Embassy funded project (Norwegian Government). It is being funded through Save the Children and being implemented by Blantyre Synod. This is a 4 year project running from August 2015 to December 2018.
- The project is being implemented in Mangochi in the southern region. In Mangochi the project is focusing on 9 educational zones out of the 18 educational zones of the district. In total, the impact area has 121 primary schools with an approximation of 129,914 learners and 1,245 teachers.
- The project is targeting deprived children in the following categories; girls that have not enrolled or dropped out; ultra-poor children -from households that live below the poverty line; children with disabilities; children already in school but for a variety of reasons are not able to learn hence excluded from the learning experience.
- The goal of this project is to allow deprived children learn and develop from a safe and inclusive education system. There are two objectives supporting this goal namely;
- to generate greater demand for inclusive education system by families and communities
- to improve government and schools capacities to provide an inclusive quality education.